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Summer Eye Protection

Eye Protection for the Summer of 2021

The Summer of 2021 is upon us and as schools let out for the long vacation, our families will become engaged in all manner of activities including a variety of sporting activities. Dr David Sweeney from Vision Source Insight Eyecare highly recommends the use of the right kind of eye protection while engaged in these activities as this can help prevent serious eye injuries and ensure a happy summer. Each year more than 28,000 people are treated for eye injuries related to sports activities so the need for eye protection is important.

Eye Protection is a Must:

Prescription glasses, sunglasses and even occupational safety glasses do not provide adequate protection. For sports use, eyewear that have polycarbonate lenses are the most impact resistant. They are thinner and lighter than plastic, shatterproof, and provide UV protection. ANSI (American National Standards Institute) has established a series of eyewear protection standards for individual sports to help buyers should seek out compliant eye protection.
For general outdoor activities whether it be the beach, the lake or the golf course. It is important to protect your eyes from the sun and too much ultraviolet radiation exposure. Over exposure to UV rays is easy to prevent and limit and can underlie some significant short term and long-term vision conditions.

Stay Safe. Protect your Eyes.

Almost all sporting activities pose some type of risk for eye injury. Making all the right moves in protecting your eyes can significantly reduce your risk of injury and improve your performance. Here are some tips to help keep your eyes protected over the summer months.
Baseball—Protect yourself from a wild pitch, thrown bat or pop fly with a face guard made of sturdy plastic and/or eye guards.
Basketball—Wear eye guards to safeguard yourself from flying elbows, fingers and basketballs.
Cycling – Unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are real! Pebbles, gigantic bugs, dirt, low-hanging twigs and branches are all hazards that require appropriate wrap-around polarized eye protection.
Golf – Follow the ball, see the greens better with contrast enhancing golf glasses.
Soccer—Wear eye guards to help shield your eyes from wayward elbows, balls or feet.
Tennis or Racquetball—Wear eye guards to guard your eyes from a misjudged ball or flying racquet.
Swimming—Wear goggles to keep lake, ocean and chemically treated pool water from getting in your eyes. Always remember to take out your contact lenses before swimming.
Boating– Protection from excessive glare from the sun or wind or airborne objects makes polarized eye protection crucial for sailors, jet skiers and power boaters.
Hiking or Camping— Beware of insect bites and poison ivy, oak and sumac. Keep your hands, as well as repellant, away from your eyes.
If you have chemical injury, flush your eyes immediately with saline or if not available tap water for 15 minutes. Then seek immediate medical attention from an eye care professional. For traumatic injury, especially if you have pain, blurred vision or loss of vision, you should also immediately go to an eye care professional. Wearing the proper eyewear can greatly reduce your chance of an eye injury.
Vision Source Insight Eyecare Consultation:
Vision Source Insight InSight Eyecare eye doctors have been working with patients with eye injuries from sporting activities for 20 years. They advise that taking simple precautions to protect your eyes. A comprehensive eye exam is strongly recommended for early detection of more serious conditions. Enjoy your Summer!