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Back to School Eye Exam yet?

As Back to School fast approaches the Eye Doctors at Vision Source Insight Eyecare encourage parents to get their children’s eyes examined before the lessons begin. Vision acuity is crucial in a child’s learning and development and how they acquire knowledge. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), many youngsters have vision conditions that can easily be corrected easily with glasses or contacts.

The Importance of Vision in Learning.

Vision plays a fundamental role in how children learn, perceive the world around them and acquire knowledge. Here are several reasons why vision is essential for kids’ learning:

  1. Learning through observation: A significant part of early learning is based on observation. Children use their vision to explore their environment, recognize faces, read books, interpret visual cues, and understand shapes, colors, and patterns. Impaired vision can hinder their ability to gather essential information from their surroundings.
  2. Academic performance: Vision problems can directly impact a child’s academic performance. Clear and accurate vision is essential for activities like reading, writing, using the whiteboard, and participating in classroom discussions.
  3. Hand-eye coordination: Good vision is vital for developing hand-eye coordination, which is crucial for activities such as drawing, writing, playing sports, and using tools.
  4. Social interactions: Clear vision is necessary for recognizing facial expressions and body language, which are crucial in social interactions and building relationships with peers and teachers.
  5. Concentration and attention: Children with uncorrected vision problems may have difficulty concentrating on tasks that require visual focus, leading to decreased attention spans and potential learning difficulties.
  6. Reading skills: The ability to see clearly is directly linked to reading development. Vision problems can make it challenging to track lines of text, leading to slower reading progress and comprehension issues.

The Importance of Kids’ Eye Examinations:

According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), while 80 % of a child’s learning is visual, one in four children have a vision problem that can interfere with learning. They also discovered that children who received early vision screenings and interventions had significantly better reading and math scores than those who did not. School is challenging enough but it is not uncommon for a new pair of glasses to make a considerable difference.

Ray Ban Kids – Sandy Springs, Chastain Park, Buckhead

Shop Ray–Ban Jr. glasses for kids. Ray–Ban consistently blends high-tech design, lenses, and materials. Dependability, genuineness, and individuality are at the heart of the Ray-Ban Junior collection, which features child-size versions of the most popular Ray-Ban sunglass styles re-created with kid-friendly features and colors. Offering enhanced fit, comfort, and durability for 8-12 year olds who appreciate classic cool in their own size and want to look as cool as older kids, and for parents who want to feel confident that they made the right choice.

Kids Eye Exams and Glasses at Vision Source Insight Eyecare

Located near Chastain Park and Sandy Springs, Vision Source Insight Eyecare is a family friendly optometry practice with a great selection of cool frames and affordable prices. Drs Sweeney, Chen and Nim encourage you to add an Eye Exam to your Back-to-School list. Call for an appointment today. (404) 250-1680