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Buying Contact Lenses from an Optometrist

Woman with brown eyes putting in a contact lens

Why Buying Contact Lenses from an Optometrist is a Good Idea

As a leading supplier of contact lenses for patients residing in Sandy Springs, Chastain Park, and Buckhead, we are often asked about online options. Buying contact lenses from Vision Source Insight Eyecare offers several advantages, many of which can be backed up by statistics and expert recommendations. Here are a few reasons to consider:

1. Expert Guidance and Personalized Service

When purchasing contact lenses from your optometrist, you benefit from their professional expertise and personalized service. Vision Source Insight Eyecare Optometrists are trained to conduct comprehensive eye exams, ensuring that you receive the correct prescription and type of lenses for your specific needs. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), around 45 million Americans wear contact lenses, and many of them rely on their optometrists to provide guidance on the best options for their eye health and lifestyle.

A survey by the AOA found that 58% of contact lens wearers experienced discomfort at some point, highlighting the importance of proper fitting and personalized advice. Optometrists can recommend lenses that cater to specific issues, such as dry eyes or astigmatism, and provide tips on proper lens care and hygiene, reducing the risk of complications. An interaction with a trained optometrist offers more than a simple prescription.

2. Quality Assurance and Safety

Buying contact lenses from Vision Source Insight Eyecare ensures that you are getting high-quality, FDA-approved products. Counterfeit or substandard lenses purchased from unauthorized sources can pose significant risks to your eye health. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned consumers about the dangers of buying contact lenses from unregulated sources, which can lead to serious eye infections, corneal ulcers, and even vision loss.

A study published in the journal Ophthalmology found that 30% of contact lens-related eye infections were linked to poor lens hygiene and the use of non-prescribed lenses. By purchasing from your neighborhood optometrist, you minimize these risks and ensure that you are using lenses that meet stringent safety and quality standards.

3. Access to the Latest Technology and Options

Contact lensesVision Source Insight Eyecare Optometrists stay updated with the latest advancements in contact lens technology, offering you access to new and improved products that may not be available through other retailers. For instance, advancements in silicone hydrogel materials have led to lenses that offer better oxygen permeability, enhancing comfort and eye health.

The Contact Lens Institute reports that over 50% of contact lens wearers are interested in trying new lens technologies that improve comfort and convenience. Your optometrist can introduce you to options like daily disposables, multifocal lenses, and lenses designed for extended wear, ensuring that you find the best fit for your lifestyle.

4. Convenient Follow-up Care and Adjustments

Purchasing lenses from Vision Source Insight Eyecare allows for easy follow-up care and adjustments. If you experience any issues with your lenses, your optometrist can quickly address and resolve them. This level of support is crucial, as studies have shown that 20-25% of contact lens wearers discontinue use due to discomfort or complications.

Regular follow-up visits with your optometrist also help monitor your eye health and ensure that your lenses continue to fit properly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends annual eye exams for contact lens wearers to prevent and detect potential issues early. By buying from your optometrist, you establish a relationship that facilitates ongoing care and adjustments.

5. Competitive Pricing and Value

Contrary to popular belief, purchasing contact lenses from a local optometry practice like Vision Source Insight Eyecare can be competitively priced. According to a Consumer Reports survey, 40% of contact lens wearers found that their local optometrists offered competitive pricing, especially when factoring in the added value of personalized service and follow-up care.

Woman with green eyes putting in a contact lens

Vision Source Insight Eyecare – Contact Lenses

Vision Source Insight Eyecare encourages patients to revisit them when purchasing contact lenses. Buying contact lenses from us ensures expert guidance, quality assurance, access to the latest technology, convenient follow-up care, and competitive pricing.