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Myopia FAQs

A photo of children standing.

Myopia is on the rise in the United States and around the world with staggering predictions by the World Health Organization that by 2050 over 50% of the world’s population will be myopic.

Parents have many questions regarding this condition and the Eye Doctors at Vision Source Insight Eyecare are here to provide some answers to some of the most Frequently Asked Questions.


What is Myopia?

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a vision condition where close objects can be seen clearly, but distant objects appear blurry. It occurs when the eyeball is too long or the cornea has too much curvature.

How is Myopia diagnosed?

An eye exam conducted by an optometrist or ophthalmologist can diagnose Myopia. The eye care professional will use a series of tests, including a visual acuity test, to determine the extent of Myopia.

What causes Myopia?

Genetics and environmental factors contribute to Myopia. Activities such as excessive near work, lack of outdoor time, and family history of Myopia increase the risk.

Can Myopia be prevented?

While genetics play a significant role, certain measures like spending time outdoors, taking breaks during close work, and maintaining a proper distance from screens can help reduce the risk of Myopia.

At what age does Myopia usually start?

Myopia often starts in childhood and progresses during the school-age years. It can continue to progress until the late teens or early twenties.

Can Myopia be reversed?

Myopia itself is not typically reversed, but Myopia control measures can help slow down its progression.

Can lifestyle changes affect Myopia?

Outdoor activities and spending time in natural light have been associated with a lower risk of Myopia development. However, these factors alone may not prevent Myopia.

Are there genetic factors influencing Myopia?

Genetics can play a role in Myopia development. If both parents are myopic, their children may have a higher risk of developing Myopia.

A photo of children in super hero costumes.Where to go for Myopia Treatment in Sandy Springs, Buckhead or Atlanta?

Vision Source Insight Eyecare has been treating patients using Myopia Control since 2004 and has helped hundreds of patients achieve amazing results. Managing Myopia begins with a Consultation. Please call to schedule an Appointment today at Sandy Springs/Atlanta 404 250 1680 or send us an Online Consultation Request for Myopia.