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children wearing glasses

Myopia Treatment

Several options exist for the treatment of nearsightedness or myopia. Programs developed by Optometrists like Vision Source Insight Eyecare to treat Myopia are known as Myopia Management or Myopia Control treatments. The best approach will be dictated by individual circumstances and lifestyle. Dr. Rachael Sweeney, Dr. Jonathan Chen, and Dr. Lay Nim will be happy to outline Myopia Control Options and prescribe the best treatment.

Eyeglasses, Prescription Eye Drops, and Contact Lenses

Eyeglasses, prescription eye drops or contact lenses are the most common methods of correcting myopia symptoms. They work by refocusing light rays on the retina, compensating for the shape of your eye. Specialty contact lenses have been developed specifically to address myopic conditions. (See MiSight 1 Day Contact Lenses) Wearing eyeglasses and contact lenses full-time may not be necessary. Optometrists at Vision Source Insight Eyecare will be able to advise you on the best practices.

Orthokeratology or Ortho K

Orthokeratology is becoming an increasingly popular way to treat myopia, especially for budding athletes. Ortho-K uses a series of gas-permeable contact lenses to slowly reshape and gently flatten the cornea and reduce myopia while your child sleeps. The lenses are worn only at night and the eye will retain this new shape for 20 hours. Vision improvement is temporary. After you stop using the lenses, your cornea goes back to its original shape, and myopia returns.

Refractive Surgery

In some cases, people may choose Laser Eye Surgery to correct myopia. These refractive surgery procedures improve the patient’s vision by reshaping the cornea. The reshaped cornea focuses light properly onto the retina. Options may include LASIK, PRK or even a Refractive Lens Exchange. Dr. Sweeney will be happy to discuss options and refer you to an eye surgeon for further consultation.

Sunshine and a Digital Diet

Although not a cure for nearsightedness, Dr. Chen highly recommends more outdoor time for kids and a diet placed on computers and mobile devices. These practices are believed to slow the progression of myopia.

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that eye exercises, vitamins, or pills can prevent or cure myopia.

Myopia – Sandy Springs, Atlanta, GA

Vision Source Insight Eyecare has been treating patients using Myopia Control since 2004 and has helped hundreds of patients achieve amazing results. All Myopia Control treatments begin with a Consultation. Please call to schedule an Appointment today at Sandy Springs/Atlanta 404 250 1680 or send us an Online Consultation Request for Myopia Management.
