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Computer Glasses

What Are Computer Glasses? Why do I need Computer Glasses?

In an age when screen time is rising for all age groups, there is a significant impact on Eye Health. Computer Glasses from Vision Source Insight Eyecare could be the solution.

What Are Computer Glasses?

Computer glasses, also known as blue light glasses or computer glasses readers are specially designed eyewear intended to reduce eye strain and discomfort associated with prolonged use of digital devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets. These glasses aim to address issues related to extended screen time, which may include eye fatigue, dry eyes, blurred vision, and headaches.

The key features of computer glasses include:

  • Blue Light Filtering: Computer glasses blue light filtering is made possible by lenses that filter out a portion of the blue light emitted by electronic devices. 
  • Anti-Glare Coating: Computer glasses anti-glare coatings minimize reflections and reduce glare from artificial light sources, which can be particularly bothersome when using screens.
  • Magnification: Some computer glasses come with a slight magnification, typically in the range of +0.25 to +0.50 diopters. This can help reduce the need for straining the eyes to focus on close-up digital content.
  • Tinted Lenses: Some computer glasses have tinted lenses, designed to enhance contrast and reduce visual discomfort in specific lighting conditions.

Computer glasses lenses can be mounted in most eyeglass frames giving patients a great variety of style options. They are not, however, a one-size-fits-all solution. Individual eye prescriptions, preferences, and the specific demands of a person’s work or activities should be taken into account when considering computer glasses. Consulting with an eye care professional is recommended to determine the most appropriate eyewear for your needs.

Why Do I Need Computer Glasses?

The Eye Doctors at Vision Source Insight Eyecare offer some reasons why computer glasses are considered important for Eye Health:

  • Reducing Eye Strain: Staring at a computer or digital screen for extended periods can lead to digital eye strain, which may cause symptoms like headaches, dry eyes, and blurred vision. Computer glasses are designed to minimize eye strain and provide a more comfortable viewing experience.
  • Filtering Blue Light: Digital screens emit blue light, which is known to disrupt the sleep-wake cycle and may contribute to eye strain. Computer glasses with blue light-blocking coatings aim to reduce the amount of blue light reaching the eyes, potentially helping users sleep better and reducing eye discomfort.
  • Improving Contrast: Some computer glasses are designed to enhance contrast and reduce glare, making it easier to view text and images on a screen. This can be particularly beneficial in challenging lighting conditions.
  • Preventing CVS (Computer Vision Syndrome): CVS is a term used to describe a range of symptoms related to prolonged computer use. Computer glasses can help alleviate CVS symptoms by optimizing the vision for screen viewing and reducing the impact of glare and blue light.
  • Preserving Long-Term Eye Health: While more research is needed, some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to blue light may contribute to retinal damage over time. Computer glasses may offer a level of protection against such potential long-term risks.

Vision Source Insight Eyecare offers a large selection of frames from Tom Ford, Ray Ban, and Kate Spade and each can be fitted with special digital lenses to become Computer Glasses. Call today for an appointment (404) 250-1680.

Vision Source Insight Eyecare is the preferred destination for Computer Glasses for Sandy Springs, Chastain Park, Dunwoody, and Buckhead patients.